Royal Master Grinder Logo


Utilizing the Needle Grinder system eliminates the need for expensive tooling or multiple cartridges. Users can easily load cut needles into the hopper and initiate the process with the cycle start button, streamlining the operation. Additionally, the system can accommodate spool-fed solid needles made of materials like NiTi or SLT from various suppliers.

Fully Automated Process

Semi-Automated Solution
Manual Solution
Needle Grinder Automation Diagram

Automation In Action

Royal Master Needle Grinder With a Tube Cutter Loading the Machine

Royal Master Needle Grinder Automatic Drum Feeder

Royal Master Grinders Needle Grinder Loader and Unloader Summary Using the Tube Cutter

Royal Master Grinders Tube Cutter For Cut to Length Tubes

Royal Master Needle Grinder With a Tube Cutter Loading the Machine

Royal Master Grinders Needle Grinder Vending Machine Concept

Royal Master Grinders Needle Grinder Loading System Focus on the tube cutter